Best Air Conditioners Price List in Philippines July 2023 (2024)

Learn What You Need to Know About Air Conditioners

Best Air Conditioners Price List in Philippines July 2023 (1)

What are the different types of air conditioners?

Here is a list of various types of air conditioners:

Central Air Conditioner

The central air conditioner is one of the most widely used cooling systems. Similar to how a furnace forces warm air through ducts and out of vents in the winter, this system is meant to cool the entire house by doing the same thing in the summer.

Thermostats are used to regulate the temperature in central air conditioning systems, and some models even have smart features that allow the user to schedule cooling cycles and remotely turn the system on and off.

Window Air Conditioner

These smaller appliances are often placed indoors with the front facing the inside of the house and outdoors with the rear. The air conditioner can then utilise its built-in fan to circulate cold air around the house while releasing excess moisture and heat outdoors.

Air conditioners for different window type come in a variety of sizes, and those with smart system features may be controlled from a distance using a remote or a wireless device. If your condo or apartment block does not have central air conditioning, then this is the air conditioner for you.

Smart Air Conditioner

Many current air conditioners are compatible with smart home or smart system technology, allowing the user to monitor and modify the system from afar. Using a mobile device, you can do things like turn the AC on and off, fine-tune the temperature, set in cooling periods, and more. Some models also come with digital inverters.

Affordable window and portable air conditioners, as well as more expensive central air conditioners for the entire home, all now come with smart functions.

Ductless Mini-Split Air Conditioner

Unfortunately, not all residences have a sophisticated duct system that can distribute air conditioning evenly. After the first heating and cooling system was constructed, several homeowners added expansions or guest rooms. In addition, your property might include unused rooms. If any of these descriptions fit your situation, a ductless mini-split air conditioner is an excellent option for cooling the home without the need for additional ductwork.

An exterior condenser unit and an indoor blower unit are what make up a ductless mini-split air conditioner. A big conduit connects the two halves; inside it are the lines for the refrigerant, the electricity, and the drain that sends any excess moisture outside.

Portable Air Conditioner

Alternatives such as portable air conditioners are quite helpful. In comparison to a window air conditioner, they are less costly and pose less safety concerns. You could simply plug in a portable air conditioner near a window and use that to cool down the room. While the built-in fan distributes cold air around the room, the exhaust hose may be sent outside through a nearby window.

Through-The-Wall Air Conditioner

Through-the-wall air conditioners, like mini-splits, can cool individual rooms or sections of a house without using ductwork. The most obvious difference is that through-the-wall air conditioners don't run electrical or refrigerant connections to the exterior unit; instead, they connect mechanically.

These air conditioners are installed through the wall of a residence, despite their common misnomer of being "floor-mounted." This is because these devices are typically positioned low on a wall, close to the ground. Since installing a through-the-wall air conditioner requires cutting a hole in the wall the size of the entire unit rather than just putting a conduit outdoors, it is not as common as other types of air conditioners.

Geothermal Air Conditioner

Geothermal cooling and heating systems can be used as an alternative to conventional central AC. In order to lower the temperature throughout the house, this ingenious technology forces cold air through the ducts and out the vents. It may be used to generate heat throughout the winter months and uses far less energy than a conventional furnace or central air conditioner.

Water is pumped underground in geothermal systems to generate heat. The cold water in the pipes in the winter draws heat from the earth around 10 feet below the surface. After recapturing the heat, the heat pump boosts the temperature with a compressor and releases the warmed air back into the house. In the summer, the water acts as a heat exchanger, drawing heat from the house and releasing it deep into the soil.

Evaporative Air Conditioner

Evaporative air conditioners, often known as swamp air conditioners, have been around for thousands of years as another cooling alternative. Evaporative air conditioners utilise water or ice to chill the air, as opposed to the refrigerant that is used in conventional air conditioners.

These devices work by passing warm air over ice in buckets or wet pads. As the air is forced into the house, it is cooled by the temperature of the water or ice. Portable units have the additional issue of needing to be constantly checked and supplied with cold water or ice in order to perform properly. Additionally, evaporative air conditioners raise indoor humidity, making them inappropriate if persistently excessive humidity is a concern.

What are the differences between an aircon inverter and split AC?

The compressor in a typical split-type air conditioner operates at a constant speed. You need to switch on and off several times to get various temperatures, depending on the goal. This sort of air conditioner has the potential to be loud, provide excessive cooling, and have a limited lifespan.

Whereas, an inverter air conditioner uses a compressor output with an adjustable speed. When the machine reaches the ideal temperature, it can decrease its speed to a lesser degree. As the temperature rises, it speeds up the way it functions.

How can you choose the ideal aircon for your house?

Here are a few steps you can follow to purchase the ideal aircon for your house:

Determine the size that you need

Take accurate measurements of the space within each room that will be using the air conditioner. Also, identify the number of people that will be using the room to gauge the capacity we need. Then, plan out precisely where you want to put your new air conditioner by measuring out from where it will be placed for example wall mounted or near the window.


The sort of air conditioner you should choose is in large part determined by the climate where you live. Evaporative coolers are preferable to air conditioners in hot and humid conditions because of the coolers' lower energy consumption.

If you reside in a region with a moderate temperature and anticipate using your air conditioner for only two months out of the year, you might consider purchasing a model with an integrated heat recovery ventilation system (HRV) or a thermostat air conditioner.

What main features should an ideal air conditioner have?

Adjustable fan speeds

This function is to help circulate the cool air faster or slower in room environments depending on how you want it which helps with energy efficiency, you do not have to keep the aircon on for a longer period if the cool air circulates faster. This will help save on power supply too.

Heat and cool function with heat pump technology

This function depends on the type of climate of your country, this will be suitable for people who live in cold countries. They can use a thermostat to adjust the temperature of their aircon based on what they want.

Air improvement system with particle filter

Every aircon unit will have an air improvement system that will help you provide good air quality from your aircon.


you can use this function instead of frequently switching on and off your aircon. Set a specific time that it should be on and also a specific time it should switch off.

What are the benefits of using an inverter air conditioner?

Save on Electric Bill

When comparing inverter and non-inverter air conditioners, the former is clearly more efficient. Reduced electricity use and increased efficiency are the outcomes of the inverter's temperature-sensitive power regulation.

In fact, an inverter air conditioner can minimize energy consumption by as much as 40% compared to a standard AC. Undoubtedly, this results in less monthly electricity costs. An inverter air conditioner may cost more to purchase, but it rapidly pays for itself in energy savings.

Faster Cooling When You Need It

On those hot summer days when you just want indoor environments and relax, an inverter air conditioner is one of the best options. A non-inverter unit can only provide a set amount of cooling. You can only adjust it to the temperature you want. To speed up the cooling process, however, an inverter system allows the compressor to operate at a higher speed.

Sleep Soundly with an Inverter AC

The operation of an inverter air conditioner is relatively quiet and vibration-free. If you want to sleep with the air conditioner on, you can be assured that you will not be disturbed. You don't want to fall asleep to the sound of an air conditioner cycling on and off. Another reason you'll rest easy with an inverter is that it keeps the temperature where you set the thermostat.

An Inverter AC Lasts Longer

Inverter air conditioners tend to last longer than traditional ones. When using an inverter unit, noise and vibration are drastically diminished. Because of its regular use and lack of frequent on-and-off cycles, the unit experiences less wear and tear.

Better for the Environment

Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced due to the inverter unit's lower energy consumption technology. The compressor is not typically operating at its maximum efficiency, which causes this.

An inverter's eco-friendliness and financial viability both increase with its energy efficiency. Inverter technology is the greenest option, and it becomes even better when run on renewable energy sources like the sun.

What are some popular inverter air conditioners brands?

Portable inverter aircon is almost available anywhere now although the technology is still relatively new.

Here is a list of brands that you can survey if you are looking for portable inverter aircon:

  • LG

  • Daikin

  • Hanabishi

  • Fujidenzon

Where can you purchase aircon and inverter aircon in the Philippines?

You can purchase air conditioners from any online retailer, including the official website, but if you're searching for the lowest prices, promo codes, and discounts, you should visit our site instead. You can find incredible discounts, specials, and promotions on our website, as well as compare all of the specified prices for the products in order to select the best one based on your budget.

Best Air Conditioners Price List in Philippines July 2023 (2024)


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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.