VOTV Map of All Things (2024)

VOTV Map of All Things (1)

(X: -63, Y: 12)
Located under the bridge.

(X: -12, Y: 0)
Located on the toilet.

(X: -8, Y: 27)
Located on top of a server.

(X: 14, Y: 8)
Located inside of an oven.

(X: -14, Y: 9)
Located in a corner on the roof.

(X: -20, Y: 27)
Located behind stairs.

(X: -2, Y: 27)
Located on top of the vent cover.

(X: 157, Y: -584)
(Requires: Shovel, Metal Detector) Dig in that specific spot.

(X: -651, Y: -587)
Located in the AB Cave entrance.

(X: -621, Y: -28)
Located behind a desk in The Hole.

(X: 639, Y: 44)
Next to the Ship Engine.

(X: -100, Y: 203)
Located on the side of Juliett Satellite Dish's first level.

(X: -10, Y: 6)
Located on top of the globe.

(X: 42, Y: -12)
Located in the middle of grass.

(X: 21, Y: -29)
Located on top of one of the Radio Poles on top of the Radio Tower.

(X: -553, Y: 238)
Located out in the open near TR-1.

(X: -683, Y: -581)
Located further up in AB Cave, next to a pumpkin.

(X: 215, Y: 541)
Located on top of a Stonehenge block piece.

(X: 518, Y: -213)
Located on top of some supply boxes.

(X: 405, Y: 24)
Located near the Wooded Shack.

(X: 349, Y: -344)
Located under some rocks in a log.

(X: -9, Y: 2)
Located on the secondary roof of the main base.

(X: -68, Y: 16)
Located on the left side of a bridge near the main base.

(X: -617, Y: -24)
Located underneath one of the supply boxes in The Hole.

(X: -525, Y: -49)
Next to a tree base.

(X: -464, Y: 173)
Located in the middle of a field.

(X: 500, Y: -2)
Located behind the top level of the Uniform Satellite Dish.

(X: 615, Y: 620)
Located next to Green Box.

(X: -372, Y: 702)
Located above the building in Guard Post.

(X: 874, Y: -874)
Located on the very corner of the playable map, two rivers corner.

(X: 213, Y: 549)
Located offset of the center of the Stonehenge behind one layer of grass.

(X: -569, Y: 302)
Located near a skeleton of bones and a radioactive capsule. In the Darkened Bone Pit.

(X: -343, Y: 38)
Located near the Light Pit, it will be found outside the vicinity of the Light Bone Pit behind a couple bushes.

(X: -655, Y: -600)
Located deep inside the AB Cave towards the cave barrier and on your left.

(X: -7, Y: 12)
Located behind one of the boxes in the Bedroom.

(X: 637, Y: 44)
(Requires: Shovel, Metal Detector) Located underneath the Ship Engine,
you will need to trigger the Rozital Ship Event in order to access this skull.

(X: 261, Y: -6)
(Requires: Shovel, Metal Detector) Located near a large boulder you will need to dig around it in order to access a box that has a skull in it.

(X: -500, Y: -500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -300, Y: -300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: -500)
Satellite Dish

(X: 500, Y: -500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -500, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: 500)
Satellite Dish

(X: 300, Y: 300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 300, Y: -300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 500, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: 500, Y: 500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -500, Y: 500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -300, Y: 300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 200, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: -100, Y: 200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: 200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 100, Y: 200)
Satellite Dish

(X: -100, Y: -200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: -200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 200, Y: 100)
Satellite Dish

(X: -200, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: -200, Y: -100)
Satellite Dish

(X: -200, Y: 100)
Satellite Dish

(X: 100, Y: -200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 200, Y: -100)
Satellite Dish

(X: -500, Y: -500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -300, Y: -300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: -500)
Satellite Dish

(X: 500, Y: -500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -500, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: 500)
Satellite Dish

(X: 300, Y: 300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 300, Y: -300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 500, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: 500, Y: 500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -500, Y: 500)
Satellite Dish

(X: -300, Y: 300)
Satellite Dish

(X: 200, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: -100, Y: 200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: 200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 100, Y: 200)
Satellite Dish

(X: -100, Y: -200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 0, Y: -200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 200, Y: 100)
Satellite Dish

(X: -200, Y: 0)
Satellite Dish

(X: -200, Y: -100)
Satellite Dish

(X: -200, Y: 100)
Satellite Dish

(X: 100, Y: -200)
Satellite Dish

(X: 200, Y: -100)
Satellite Dish

Red Argemia:
(X: 626, Y: -128)
Located in the Deep Pit next to Uniform Satellite Dish, near the fence.

Blue Argemia:
(X: -315, Y: 398)
Located right next to Quebec Satellite Dish, in a river with bumpy beaches.

Green Argemia:
(X: 239, Y: 828)
Located on the highest point of the map, outside the fence, near Victor Satellite Dish.

Cyan Argemia:
(X: -630, Y: 190)
(Requires: Shovel, Metal Detector) Located on top of a high hill between Quebec and X-ray Satellite Dishes.

Orange Argemia:
(X: 872, Y: -793)
Located above the border corner tile key, on top of a floating invisible cube that is high up.
The only way to access this prop is getting on top of the cube and grabbing the prop.

Pink Argemia:
(X: 34.8, Y: -36.8)
Located in a hovering state, it is invisible (until it is touched by any object or item in the game),
fly a drone straight from these approximate coordinates until you bump into it.

Diggable Spot:
(X: -622, Y: -31)
EMF Reader.

Diggable Spot:
(X: -118, Y: -41)
Free Box of LVL 3 Drives.

Diggable Spot:
(X: 261, Y: -6)
Box of Bones.

Diggable Spot:
(X: 149, Y: -10)
Cactis Pet.

Diggable Spot:
(X: 465, Y: -85)
Infinite Growing Basalt Pillars.

Diggable Spot:
(X: -569, Y: 303)
Radioactive Capsule.

Diggable Spot:
(X: 567, Y: 237)
Limestone Block.

Diggable Spot:
(X: 420, Y: 265)
Wasp Nest.

Diggable Spot:
(X: 378, Y: -461)
Librarian's Candle

Diggable Spot:
(X: 252, Y: 585)
Furfur Altar Piece

(X: 524, Y: -672)
Object (Random Spawn)

Ship Engine
(X: 637, Y: 44)

(X: 613, Y: 623)

Fake Maxwell
(X: -166, Y: -665)

Invisible Boulder
(X: 437, Y: -467)
Object (Removed)

Green Campfire
(X: 680, Y: -573)

Hanged Man
(X: 280, Y: -349)

Erie and Argemia Statues
(X: -801, Y: -814)
Outside the fence.

Guard Post
(X: -373, Y: 703)
Outside the fence.

Main Base
(X: 0, Y: 0)
Located in the middle of the entire world.

(X: 20, Y: 25)
Located right beside the Main Base.

Radio Tower
(X: 19, Y: -31)
Located right beside the Main Base.

(X: 213, Y: 541)
Throw and jump into ATV over the fence to access.

Light Bone Pit
(X: -352, Y: 47)
Located between the Kilo and Lima Satellite Dishes, simply walk in between them and up.

Darkened Bone Pit
(X: -569, Y: 303)
Near X-ray.

Deep Pit
(X: 626, Y: -128)
Near Uniform Satellite Dish and near the fence.

AB Cave (Antibreather Cave)
(X: -651, Y: -585)
Near Romeo Satellite Dish, on the side of a giant cliff.

Ariral Picnic
(X: -192, Y: -500)
Near Sierra Satellite Dish in a valley. (Event specific).

Ariral Treehouse
(X: 366, Y: 388)
Near the Stonehenge Landmark (Event specific).

The Hole
(X: -618, Y: -27)
Near Yankee Satellite Dish.

Fence Opening
(X: -697, Y: -80)
Near The Hole.

Secret Staircase
(X: 1293, Y: -223)
Inaccessible in Storymode,
location is outside the barrier.

Large Bone Pit
(X: -265, Y: 1005)
Inaccessible in Storymode, location is outside the barrier, near Guard Post.

Crashed Ariral Tp Chamber
(X: -651, Y: -237)
Located in the bottom of the valley near the Fence Opening (Event specific).

Abandoned Well
(X: 564, Y: 265)
Located between the Uniform and Victor satellite Dishes.

Small Graveyard
(X: -347, Y: -563)
Located on a hill above Transformer 2.

(X: 675, Y: -277)
In the river near the Danger Forest.

Leaking Nuclear Barrels
(X: 570, Y: -517)
In the river near the Danger Forest.

Abandoned Sedan
(X: -209, Y: 307)
In the river near the Quebec Satellite Dish.

Wooded Shack
(X: 408, Y: 22)
Located in a dense forest near Uniform Satellite Dish.

Circle of Benches
(X: 12, Y: 580)
Located between the Whiskey Satellite Dish and the Bomb Shelter.

Bomb Shelter
(X: 60, Y: 625)
Located near the Circle of Benches.

Danger Forest
(X: -642, Y: -586)
Located in the corner of land that is cut off by the river, near Tango Satellite Dish.

Closed Up Forest
(X: 517, Y: -211)
Located near the Deep Pit, throw and jump into ATV over the fence to access.

Ritual Altar
(X: 1994, Y: 1999)
You need to perform the Ritual Warp Event in order to warp to this landmark.

Green Cabinent Room
(X: -1, Y: -14)
Innacessible in storymode, you could attempt to glitch or noclip inside the SCP-421 to warp there.
Actual landmark is located underneath the map.

The Lake
(X: 408, Y: -406)
Giant lake.

Erie Zone
(X: 11, Y: -512)
Zone where you can farm and obtain Erie Plushes.

Transformer 0
(X: 396, Y: 199)
Gameplay Mechanic

Transformer 1
(X: -548, Y: 232)
Gameplay Mechanic

Transformer 2
(X: -397, Y: -472)
Gameplay Mechanic

Power Generator
(X: 63, Y: 63)
Gameplay Mechanic

Bryn Fruit
(X: -785, Y: -821)
Located behind a tree near Erie and Argemia Statues.

Argemia Mug
(X: -58, Y: -295)
Located on top of the power line pole, can only be accessed by grabbing it, no object or prop can push it off.

Wendigo Skull
(X: 408, Y: 22)
Located within the Wooded Shack underneath an red ariral forest tree.

Fire Rune Slab
(X: 1,991, Y: 1999)
Will require the Ritual Warp Event, dig up the slab from behind ritual table and jump out the island to land safely on top of the Small Graveyard Landmark.

Air Rune Slab
(X: 387, Y:196)
You must grab it from the top of the Powerline Pole.

Water Rune Slab
(X: 418, Y: -422)
Dig at the deepest point of The Lake.

Earth Rune Slab
(X: 538, Y: -181)
Dig in exactly as the coordinates say which would be under a bush.

Fishing Gear
(X: 175, Y: -460)
Gives you a box full of fishing gear.

Barrel of MREs
(X: 235, Y: -323)
Barrel of free food.

Omega Kerfus Blueprint
(X: 17, Y: 40)
Crafting blueprint for Omega Kerfuses.

Water Rune Box
(X: 627, Y: -874)
Farm Water Runes

Earth Rune Box
(X: -320, Y: 148)
Farm Earth Runes

Furfur Altar Piece
(X: -671, Y: -563)
Furfur Altar Piece

(X: -391, Y: -384)
You can mine crystals in the cave using this.

EMF Detected Spot
(X: -645, Y: -645)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: 373, Y: 234)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: -281, Y: -347)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: -7, Y: 6)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: -197, Y: 2)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: 564, Y: 265)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: 409, Y: 22)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: 19, Y: -31)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: 524, Y: -672)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: -209, Y: 306)

EMF Detected Spot
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Obelisk Event
(X: 77, Y: 2)

AB Plush Event
(X: 409, Y: 22)

Ariral Ship Tower Event
(X: 19, Y: -36)

Ariral Ship Event
(X: 297, Y: -49)

Ding Dong Ditch Event
(X: 1, Y: 6)

Brownie Event
(X: -12, Y: -11)

Broken Vent Event
(X: -8, Y: -6)

Chair Skeleton Event
(X: 1, Y: 18)

Another Vent Broken Event
(X: 8, Y: 6)

Poweroff Event
(X: -21, Y: 21)

Ariral Anti-G Event
(X: -19, Y: 4)

Reorganizing Event
(X: -12, Y: -9)

Blue Lights Prank Event
(X: 1, Y: 18)

Wendigo Toilet Event
(X: -12, Y: 0)

sh*t Duende Event
(X: -12, Y: 0)

Arir Gun Event
(X: 7, Y: -13)

Mannequin Disappearance Event
(X:512, Y: 23)

Virus Event
(X: 1, Y: 18)

Brickwall Event (Removed)
(X: -7, Y: 5)

Alien Cutout Event
(X: 493, Y: -6)

Ariral Treehouse Construction Event
(X: 366, Y: 388)

Ariral Picnic Event
(X: -192, Y: -500)

Short Arir Tp Event
(X: -651, Y: -237)

Bed Prank Event
(X: -601, Y: -365)

Howl Event
(X: -345, Y: -103)

Rozital Ship Event
(X: 637, Y: 44)

Ship Engine Event
(X: 637, Y: 44)

Hell Opening Event
(X: 213, Y: 541)

Ritual Warp Event
(X: 408, Y: 22)

Ritual Event
(X: 1994, Y: 1999)

Log Event
(X: -645, Y: -645)

Log Event
(X: 373, Y: 234)

Looker Event
(X: 1, Y: 18)

Blood Skeleton Event
(X: 450, Y: 196)

Soltomia Cleaning Event
(X: 0, Y: 15)

Tardis Event
(X: 16, Y: 2)

Vent Crawler Event
(X: 1, Y: 18)

Vent Knocker Event
(X: 1, Y: 18)

Rozital Hole Event
(X: -618, Y: -27)

Grays Dumping Event
(X: 8, Y: 15)

Furfur Meat Locker Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Paper Alien Car Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Paper Alien Catapult Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

ATV Boobytrap Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Trasher Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Tacks Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Rock Thrower Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Fake Drives Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Exploding Cookies Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Gascan Prank Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Weird Chocolate Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Ariral Graffiti Event
(X: -11, Y: 19)

Cookies Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Ariral Vaccine Event
(X: 2, Y: 7)

Ariral ATV Repair Event
(X: -19, Y: 0)

Ariral ATV Fuelup Event
(X: -19, Y: 0)

Spaceman Event
(X: -7, Y: 16)

Furfur Plush Event
(X: 1994, Y: 1999)

Wolfgang Awakening Event
(X: -655, Y: -602)

Imposter Event
(X: -5, Y: 10)

Cursed Mirror Base Event

Furfur Locker Head
(X: -15, Y: 17)

Security Breach
(X: 1, Y: 25)

Grunge Oils Event
(X: -15, Y: 13)

Radiotower Disappearance Event
(X: 19, Y: -31)

Misplaced Sushi Event
(X: -19, Y: 4)

Ena's Kindness Event
(X: -19, Y: 4)

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: -382, Y: 695)
Located near Guard Post.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: -103, Y: 199)
Located on the top level of the Juliett Satellite Dish.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: -6, Y: 10)
Located behind some supply boxes.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 6, Y: 0)
Located in front of the computer terminal.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 10, Y: 20)
Located on the corner edge of the Main Base roof.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 221, Y: -61)
Located on top of the boulder.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: -534, Y: -699)
Located on the fence ledge behind lamp post.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: -192, Y: -238)
Located near the same powerline pole that the Argemia Mug sits on.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 30, Y: -13)
Located on top of the event pole near the Main Base.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: -64, Y: 7)
Located on top of the bridge.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 174, Y: -127)
Located underwater near Echo Satellite Dish.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 2, Y: 503)
Located in the base of Whiskey Satellite Dish.

Pumpkin (Halloween Special)
(X: 466, Y: 514)
Located near the Victor Satellite Dish.

Flesh Rain
(X: 651, Y: -641)

Tree Test
(X: 518, Y: -211)

Hell Message
(X: 213, Y: 541)

Fisherman's Note
(X: 58, Y: 627)

Report Example
(X: 5, Y: 0)
Note (Removed)

Smiley Face
(X: -13, Y: 19)
Note (Removed)

Dee's Diary
(X: -9, Y: 6)

Inside Password
(X: 1, Y: 5)

Admin Password
(X: -14, Y: -10)

Bunker Warning
(X: 20, Y: 23)

Placeholder Test
(X: 19, Y: -31)
Note (Removed)

Behind You
(X: 17, Y: 36)
Note (Removed)

The Hole Preparation
(X: 233, Y: -322)

The Hole Expedition
(X: -351, Y: 46)

The Hole Discovery
(X: -620, Y: -29)

(X: 626, Y: -128)
Note (Removed)

Paper Alien Warning
(X: -80, Y: -94)
Note (Event Specific)

Ariral Hate
(X: -80, Y: -94)
Note (Event Specific)

Ariral Love
(X: -80, Y: -94)
Note (Event Specific)

Ariral Ally
(X: -80, Y: -94)
Note (Event Specific)

Ariral Warning
(X: 378, Y: 388)
Note (Event Specific)

Ariral Vaccine Instructions
(X: 2, Y: 6)
Note (Event Specific)

Music Warning
(X: 388, Y: 531)

Figure Encounter
(X: -1, Y: 27)

Cryptomining Tips
(X: -394, Y: -475)

(X: -19, Y: 19)

(X: -23, Y: 11)

A Secret
(X: -0, Y: 22)

A Scam
(X: -618, Y: -16)
Note (Event Specific)

VOTV Map of All Things (2024)


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Article information

Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated:

Views: 5645

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.